Praise Temple Business and Resources

This is the official business page for Praise Temple Christian Fellowship Church.

We will feature products from the following

  • Table of Blessings Bookstore
  • Anointed & Blessed Creations (shirts and other promotional products
  • Cakes by Camesha
  • Seamstress Easter Luellen (mask & alterations)

If you want specific products, please complete the form below and indicate the product by the code.  Please leave your information so we can contact you for your items.


  • Table of Blessings Bookstore:  TOB#1
  • Anointed & Blessed Creations:  ABC#2
  • Cakes by Camesha:  cakes#3
  • Seamstress Easter Luellen:  EL#4  


Contact Us
Welcome to Praise Temple CFCPlease leave us your testimony, or indicate a product you want, and leave us your contact information .  We want to stay in contact with you. 
Enter your E-mail:*