Happy 4th of July
Praise Temple CFC along with Dr. Donnie & Pastor Margaret Young wishes you the best on this 4th of July holiday
PT Cybernation
The PT Cybernation is ready to be your online church. We understand that Covid-19 changed our lives, and we at Praise Temple understand those changes. That is why we are bringing back our PT Cybernation community. This is our online-membership. This community will have the opportunity to view all our services live via Facebook, we have also add Zoom, and Youtube. We also have online giving capabilities through Givelify. Last, but not least, we offer our prayer line as a method to connect with you and to provide you with personal prayer and encouragement. If you are looking for a church home, then consider joining our PT Cybernation, we want to guide you on your Christian journey. Please complete the contact form so that we can enroll you in our online ministry.
Service Live Links:Sunday Worship: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=892514686252212&set=gm.1159076195420701
Wednesday Night Impact Service: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88265766025?pwd=S3h5QnIrVmtEQ2g0K0dpS1ZBYjR2dz09
Meeting ID: 882 6576 6025
Passcode: ptcfc
Praise Temple Morning Manna Prayer Hotline
It’s finally here, a prayer hot line that is like none other. If you are looking for a prayer connection that will break the chains despair and change your life, then the PTCFC Morning Manna is for you. Join us Monday and Friday at 6:15 a.m.
Prayer line # 1-302-202-1102 Conference code: 949139 Taking Dominion Confession: I take dominion over the strongman according to Matthew 16:19: God has given me the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. God has given me Authority over all devils ability according to Luke 1:20-23 states that satan is under my feet. God thank you for your Word, for I rise up and take Authority over the enemy by superimposing Your will over the will and activities of the enemy. For God we know he is operating illegally in the earth realm. Now God we rise up and take our rightful position as Your Deputized Agents. God in Jesus Name we take our Kingly Posture the Power you have given to us to decree a thing, and it will be established, according to Job 22:28.Mar
The Church Like No Other
Praise Temple is the “Church Like No Other.”
You will be greeted with a Smile and Lot’s of Love
You will experience Exciting & Anointed Praise & Worship
A Super Charged Atmosphere
Last, but not least, an Anointed Word from God that will cause you to Enjoy living this Life with God’s Divine Favor
Join us each Sunday @11:00.
We offer Children's Church 2nd & 4th Sunday
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